Many of us grew up in school, where our books were passed on to the next class after us. Or we borrowed books from the library. We learned we should never write in any book. Bibles today are so...
Category: Tips
In [Part I] we mentioned the narrative approach to reading the Bible, choosing 14 books of the bible that follow God's plan in a chronological manner that is easier to follow than trying to read all...
Without a good foundation for reading the Bible, we can end up getting bits and pieces, but always feeling a bit lost, never quite knowing how things fit together. Many people try to read the entire...
Do you go through life being serious all or most of the time? (Raising my hand). Sometimes it is as if we think there is the 11th Commandment that 'Though Shall Not have any fun' . There isn't such a...
All the books of the Bible are good to read, but not all are good to start with. Some can be confusing. Is there one book that is easy to read and can get quickly to the point without requiring prior...
Do you have any family tree ancestry? Maybe you can go back many generations. For many of us, we can't go back that far. That is ok, God has provided a spiritual family tree that we can all be part...