I remember when I had no sure idea whether God existed or not…
but then I came across some interesting ways that we can weigh the options in a proof. Let’s start with a simple analogy that we do every day and uses some simple logical reasoning.
When we flip a light switch in a room we usually have 2 possibilities for the light to be either On or Off. If we are in a room we will also look at the 2 possibilities; Sitting or Walking.
If we sit or walk in a room that has a light switch that can be on or off that adds up to 4 total possibilities as follows.
- Light is On, Walk in the Room
- Light is Off, Walk in the Room
- Light is On, Sit in the Room
- Light is Off, Sit in the Room
Now consider the possible outcomes in our analogy if we are hungry…
- Light is On, Walking in the Room
This is good. We can see and move to get some food. - Light is Off, Walking in the Room
We can trip walking in the dark. - Light is On, Sitting in the Room
We are safe from injury but still hungry - Light is Off, Sitting in the Room
We are safe from injury, but still hungry and can’t see
ok, you get the idea. Simple logic proofs like this are not over your head, nor restricted to math professors. They can occur every day.
Now let’s apply a simple mathematical proof to heaven…
Our first variable is whether a person can get to heaven, yes or no. The second variable is if the person believes in God, yes or no. This gives us the following 4 possibilities.
- Heaven Does Not Exist and We Do Not believe in God
- Heaven Exists and We Do not believe in God
- Heaven Does Not Exist and We believe in God
- Heaven Exists and We believe in God
Let’s look at these 4 options before we try to expand it.

1. Heaven Does Not Exist and We Do Not believe in God
If this is the case, then when a Non-believer dies, that is the end and they turn to dust. This is actually the Non-believer’s best outcome.
2. Heaven Exists and We Do not believe in God
This is the Non-believers biggest loss. They risk losing everything and losing eternity in heaven.
3. Heaven Does Not Exist and We believe in God
If this is the case, then the Believer dies. It is the end and they turn into dust. It is not the outcome they wanted but it is no worse than the Non-Believer’s best situation.
4. Heaven Exists and We believe in God
For People who believe God and Heaven are real, this is the biggest gain. The reward is eternal joy in heaven. For now, we will just say that it is an awesome outcome. Joy for Eternity; nothing beats that.

When we compare all 4 possibilities, this outcome becomes apparent….
- The Non-believer has nothing to gain and everything to lose. At best his life ends at death, at worst He misses out on the joys of eternal heaven.
- The Believer has everything to gain and nothing to lose. In the worst situation he is no worse off than the Non-believer (they both die and turn into dust). In the best situation he makes it to eternal happiness in Heaven with God. That is worth it.
If we aren’t sure and have no other information, it makes much more sense to believe in God than not to; everything to gain and nothing to lose.
Do Non-believers have a Happier time in this Life?
I have heard some claim that if a person doesn’t believe in God and doesn’t have to follow any of His moral commandments, then that person will be happier doing anything they want in this life.
But is the Non-Believer really happier?
- Believers sometimes go through persecution for their beliefs or refrain from every pleasurable temptation, but they can see these as temporary difficulties for the greater good. There is still a lot to be happy about in this life and hope in the next.
- Non-believers can also feel persecuted for their beliefs or feel guilt and consequences over poor choices they have made, so it is not like they have it any better there.
- The Commandments aren’t persecution. They actually help us from injuring ourselves and others in this life. Not following them often leads to larger problems in one’s own life and in relationships with others. Following them can make someone happier and more at peace.
- Non-believers don’t have hope in life after death which can be daunting for some in seeking meaning in this life.
For Non-believers, when they are faced with these limitations and lack of hope, may still feel the internal desire that there has to be something more. The world can not provide the answers. They are invited to look at God.
Augustine of Hippo ran into this non-belief problem. He tried everything else in the world and did not find peace until he eventually turned to God. ‘Our Hearts are Restless until they rest in You’. – St. Augustine
Other Variations on the Proof
We only selected a couple of variables in our proof. We can add more if we like…
We could have also added someone who was not sure about God. Let’s see the results.
- Heaven Does Not Exist and We Are Not Sure We believe in God
no worse off than the Non-Believer, but not the best outcome. - Heaven Exists and We Are Not Sure We believe in God
This person is not assured of Heaven yet. Best to learn more about God while He gives us the time.
I remember when I had no idea whether God existed or not. I had doubts and questions. This simple proof helped me and I hope it helps you. Blessings on your journey!
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