Sometimes it is difficult to think of the beginning, but we can do a simple thought experiment to help.
Pick out something you can see while you read this. Maybe it is a chair or a computer. Let’s go with the computer since you are probably using some sort of device to read this. It did not create itself.
The computer is made up of many parts. Imagine we took the computer apart, down to its smallest circuit components and put them in a garbage pile. What are the chances that they would all re-assemble themselves into a working computer again by accident? If you said zero chance, you would be correct.
- There is no chance. The computer came about through some physical actions and abstract thoughts, in a specific way, using intelligence to create the computer. It was not a random accident.
The Cause
Each object that we see has something that came before it. This prior cause either made the new object or set it into motion. The new object did not happen on its own.
In the case of the computer, one part or prior cause may be the motherboard. The motherboard had a prior cause as it was made by other parts and a company of people. Each person came into being from their parents and so on.
- If we keep going back until we reach the first living creatures, they also had a cause.
- If we keep going back until we reach the basic elements, they had a cause.
- If we keep going back until we reach the planets and the stars, The each had a cause.
- If we keep going back to the beginning of matter. It had a cause.
When we reach the beginning of matter, we don’t have anything else that is physical to explain the prior cause, but it could not have started itself.
That is as far as the physical sciences can go.
What we are left with is that the physical universe came into being from a non-physical cause.
If we have reached the furthest extent back and there is no prior cause, then we have reached the beginning of the ‘un-caused cause’, the origin of everything.
The UnCaused Cause – The Beginning
When we reach the beginning which is not bound by time and has no prior cause, we have reached God. He is by definition the beginning, not caused by anything else, always existing, not bound by time, creating all that follows.
Everlasting Physical Universe
There is no scientific evidence of an everlasting physical universe. It violates the known laws of physics…
- Anything at rest stays at rest. (Newton’s first law) The universe cannot be in motion unless something else started it.
- There is no such thing as a perpetual motion machine. (Law of Entropy) The physical universe would not have started unless some external source gave it energy and the energy will decrease unless some external source sustains it.
We should ask for some scientific proof to believe an infinite self-sustaining physical universe and ask how it came into being. There is no proof right now.
- We don’t have any evidence of an eternal, physical universe. We have evidence it had a beginning.

The Big Bang
From scientific observations and research by Edwin Hubble, Georges Lemaitre, and others in the 1920s, the theory of the Bing Bang came about.
After observing Hubble’s expansion of galaxies away from each other, DeMaitre used mathematics to try and reverse calculate the beginning of the universe to a single point in time some, now estimated to be about 13.8 billion years ago.
Some may associate the Bing Bang with the creation event of God. It does have some interesting correlations. There was no physical universe one moment, not even light, and then everything including light the next moment.
Some call this the Creation Event. No everyone will call it the Big Bang or agree with the date, but the idea is the same that the beginning cause is God.
Whatever the earliest physical event was, whether it be the Big Bang or some other future discovery, it doesn’t change the fact that the physical universe needs an initial original cause outside itself.
While the Big Bang theory currently coincides with the Biblical account of creation, if more evidence comes in to indicate an earlier point, we still have to ask what caused that, and we reach the same conclusion.
Now let’s go back to the concept of intelligence. What are the chances that non-intelligence created the universe, the elements, the stars, the planets, life, the animals, people, your computer, you and the concept of an infinitely intelligent God?
I would say less chance than parts of a computer re-assembling by random accident.
If we take a position that God created everything, our position actually stands up to modern science critique, and even looks better from science.
That makes sense because if God created the universe, science would not contradict Him, but would reveal His marvelous creation all around.
You are not a random accident, but consider that you are wonderfully made!
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